One of my favorites images I’ve painted is a single portrait of a herring gull that appears to be giving a hint of a side eye. I titled it, “Local” because it captures the attitude of most gulls (and local humans) that are looking to enjoy the water, clams and french fries in an unbothered way on the beach.
For a holiday promotion one year, I drew a little santa hat on my local friend and posted it on social media. Followers started asking what product this little guy would be on. I was only using it as a promotional piece and hadn’t created any products with, Local Santa.
I didn’t make that mistake the following holiday season. I made note cards and gift tags. Then I thought how fun it would be to have an ornament!
It was a big hit and it is a nice addition to my own holiday gifts. I’m so glad my followers encouraged me to go down this fun path to Local Santa.